Tuesday, January 30, 2007



Deloney said...

So, get to it!

Indigo Bunting said...

Uh oh. Word's out.

Helen said...

Yay (or is that "yea") for Labrador Bay.

Sabine said...

Oh - this one doesn't send me emails - I'll have to fix that.

Um, hi everyone. I'm still in the shower... could you come back later?

Susan said...

Out of the shower! Out!! I've linked this site on my blog, and we mustn't disappoint all your fans.

Helen said...

I'm blinded! I'm blinded!

Susan said...

Not blinded (I'm with Helen) anymore, but somehow it doesn't look enough like Howie. What color will your posts be?

Douglas Hoffman said...

F! I forgot to study.